Keep Your Penis Healthy
I Want To Ride On His Body
By Maxim | 14 February 2019 | 0 Comments

Keep Your Penis Healthy

The penis is truly a remarkable organ which is is the dipstick of the body's health. Everything from your heart and weight to your stress and testosterone levels can affect your penis and how it works. Unfortunately, time’s effect on the penis doesn’t have the same broad appeal. When you hit forty, your penis begins to change color, lose sensitivity, stand at attention less often, and even shrink. Dont worry. With a little work, you can keep it healthy, even improve your sexual health and performance. 


Drink Coffee
According to the survey, men who drink two to three cups of java a day are less likely to have erectile dysfunction than others.Because the stimulant triggers a series of reactions in the body that ultimately increase blood flow to the penis.
Quit smoking
Smoking can damage the lining of your blood vessels (including those that bring blood flow to the penis), impact erections, and even damage sperm. In addition to causing cancer, tobacco narrows your blood vessels, impairs blood flow, decreases the supply of oxygen, and also promotes inflammation, compromising every organ in your body.
Consume alcohol in moderation
A glass or two of wine can help you relax and boost blood flow,  alleviate anxiety and can actually improve erectile function, but much more than that is harmful to your penis and it can be a major risk factor for erectile dysfunction.
Keep exercise
Exercise has a remarkable effect on sexual function. It reduces stress, improves mood, prevents fatigue, and increases energy. Meanwhile, sedentary men were more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. So you may know what should you do now.
Maintain a healthy weight
Obesity will steals your manhood and reduces testosterone levels in the body and hardly obtain and maintain a good-quality erection.
Hot tubs are really bad for your balls.
It's like dunking your testicles like teabags in hot water. And when your balls get too hot, it can halt sperm production, so steer clear of jacuzzis if you're trying to have kids.

Sleep well
Sleeping has a vitally important restorative function as your brain and body requires this important down time. If you're sleep deprived, you'll notice you lose your morning erection and your sex drive reduces dramatically.
Stay sexual active
Having sex once a week cut men’s chances of developing erectile dysfunction in half. Scientific studies have clearly demonstrated that men who are more sexually active tend to have fewer problems with erectile dysfunction as they age. The study also suggested that the more often men had sex, the more their erections improved. Are you move? At least twice per week.
You should really wash your penis after sex.
This actually helps you avoid infection, since bacteria can grow faster when bodily fluids (from you or your partner) dry out on the skin. And it would be necessary for you and your partner to be healthy.
Maybe don't pierce your penis.
In case you were considering piercing the head of your penis, you should probably know that there are a lot of possible complications, like significant bleeding, chronic irritation, or even damage to the urethra.
Erectile dysfunction can happen at any age and you need to see your doctor if it happens often.
In younger guys, it's often psychological. You're stressed, anxious, worried about STIs, or just not really into it. Or other reasons, like if you've been drinking, not sleeping well, or you're freaking out about your relationship. But if your penis is consistently not working, you shouldn't just ignore it or pop a Viagra, you should talk to your doctor.
Remember to check your genitals for any new lumps, bumps, or changes.
Regularly check out your penis, testicles, and groin for any unusual spots, lesions, growths, or discolorations. If anything seems off, bring it up with your doctor.

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